Index of Georgian Articles, 1688 - 1840
Strictly speaking, the Georgian period covers the Kings of England from George I to George IV, in other words 1714 to 1830. But sometimes people use the term the Long Georgian Period (or Long Eighteenth Century) to cover the end of the Stuart era with the exile of James II in 1688 until the death of William IV in 1837.
Of course, defining periods by monarchs isn't greatly helpful for local history and we have extended our Box history to include the longer period from the heyday of the Speke family until the 1840 Tithe Apportionment Act. All corrections, comments and contributions welcomed. |
Article, Author and Issue Number
Vulgarity in Box Alan Payne, Issue 23 Rebuilding the Village Centre Alan Payne, 23 Speke Family Alan Payne, 23 Georgian Timeline Patty Baldwin, 23 Georgian Residents Alan Payne, 23 1752: A Very Odd Year Alan Payne, 24 The New Road, 1761 Alan Payne, 24 Witches, Quakers & Chapels Alan Payne, 24 Middlehill Spa Resort Alan Payne, 24 Box's Highwayman Alan Payne, 24 |
Article, Author and Issue Number
Mullins Family Patrick Mullins, 25 Slavery Families Alan Payne, 25 Monuments in Box Churchyard Charles Freeman, 25 Richard Brinsley Sheridan's Duel Alan Payne, 25 Agricultural Census, 1803 Claire Dimond-Mills, 26 Coach Travel 1830 Alan Payne, 26 Napoleon versus Box Claire Dimond-Mills, 26 Revolutionary Times, 1813-30 Alan Payne, 26 Tithe Apportionment Jonathan Parkhouse, 26 |