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Articles Listed by Author, Title of Article and Issue
Abrahams, Elizabeth; Those Hills Mean a Lot; 11
Ainsworth, Bernard; Primitive Methodist Chapel, 37 Alder, Ray; VAD Working Parties; 25 Alderman, Robert; Ashley Leigh; 8 Anderson, Maureen; Rev John Phillipps, 44 Anderson, Maureen; Georgian Traders, 45 Anderson, Maureen; Two Georgian Vicars, 46 Arkell, Robert; Kingsdown Fair, 33 Armour-Godbolt: Eva young, 40 Aust, Derry; Aust Family; 20 Ayers, John; St Christopher's, Ditteridge; 4 Ayers, John; Box Charity School; 17 Ayers, John; Box Two Georgian Vicars; 46 Ayers, Jessica etc; Guides in Box; 13 Bache, Paddy; Brunel Myth; 20 Baldwin, Patty; Victorian Timeline; 5 Baldwin, Patty; Tudor & Stuart Timeline; 11 Baldwin, Patty; Rail & Quarry Era; 15 Baldwin, Patty; Georgian Box; 23 Banks, Clive; Vezey Family in Box; 7 Banks, Clive; Hungarian Revolt; 9 Banks, Clive; Hazelbury Pageant; 10 Banks, Clive; Summer of 1959; 10 Banks, Clive; Never Had it so Good; 11 Banks, Clive; Shops in 1920s; 16 Banks, Clive; Box at War; 19 Banks, Clive; Dad's Army; 20 Banks, Clive, Charlie Cook, 36 Bartlett, Sheila; PM Cogswell; 8 Bartlett, Sheila; Maud Cogswell; 9 Bartlett, Sheila; Leah Cogswell; 11 Bartlett, Sheila; Kate Annie Batts; 16 Bawtree, Stephen; Woodstock, 45 Bawtree, Stephen; Bawtree Family, 46 Bence, Geoff; Characters of Box; 5 Bence, Geoff; Village Lad; 5 Bence, Geoff; Daniell Clan; 5 Bence, Leslie; Bence Family, 30 Blake, Huw; Ann Vezey; 27 Blake, Chris; Jessie Bulkowski, 32 Bosley, John; Reminiscences; 3 Botcherby, Claire; Neighbour Against Neighbour; 3 Botcherby, Claire; Parliament in Box; 3 Botcherby, Claire; Northey Sale; 10 Botcherby, Claire; Botcherby Family; 23 Boulton, Ken & Maureen; Boulton Family; 24 Boulton, Ken & Maureen; Village in 1950s; 26 Boulton, Maureen; May Family; 27 Bradbury, Eileen; Ernest Hancock; 21 Bradley, Roy; Sunnyside Orphan's Story; 14 Breakspear, Michael; Quarries in 2000; 18 Breakspear, Michael; South View; 22 Brewer, Gill; Daisey Noble; 19 Brown, Simon; Sokell Family, 42 Brooke, Rob; Henley Community; 18 Brooke, Rob; Ambrose Satchell; 20 Brooks, Susie; Finds in Box; 17 Browning, Jim & Anne; Browning Family, 29 Browning, Jane; John Hanning Speke; 4 Browning, Jane; 1899: Year of Festivities; 3 Browning, Jane; Cuttings Mill; 17 Browning, Jane; Box Boys' School; 20 Browning, Jane; Stone Portraits, 29 Browning, Jane; Guyanese Browning & Pocock, 30 Browning, Jane; Obadiah Smith, 32 Bryant, Pam; William Davies; 8 Bunyar, Bob; Say Family; 24 Burton, Joanna; Barry Burton; 27 Butts, Anne; Maynard's Shop; 10 Butts, Anne; Darts Team at Rising Sun; 16 Callaway, Eric & Sandra; Centre of Commerce; 3 Callaway, Eric & Sandra; Callaway Family; 4 Callaway, Eric & Sandra; Child of Workhouse; 5 Callaway, Eric & Sandra; Brookwell; 13 Callaway, Eric; Dorma; 14 Callaway, Eric; Bath Blitz; 21 Campbell, Elaine; Ashley Manor; 13 Cannings, Janice; Cannings Family; 3 Cannon, Rob; Gilby Family; 11 Carless, Kate; Roman Mosaics, 30 Carless, Kate; Local Roman Finds, 31 Carless, Kate; Discovering Box Villa, 33 Carpenter, Peter; Jefferys Family, 37 Carpenter, Peter; Drs Nash, 38 Carpenter, Peter; Asylum Buildings, 39 Carpenter, Peter; MacBryan Family, 40 Carter, Christopher; William Davies; 18 Chandler, Ian; Chandlers in Victorian Times; 7 Charlton, Jane; Middlehill Meals; 3 Charles, Janet; Old Jockey Families; 22 Chave, David; Boxfield Memories; 14 Cheetham, Helen; Box Highland Teachers, 44 Clarke, Stella; Lifetime of Box Memories; 4 Clarke, Stella; Maisie Gay's Xmas Card; 4 Coburn, Jean; Brewer Family; 25 Coburn, Jean; Humphries Brewer; 26 Coggins, Sian; Sudell Sampler; 33 Cogswell, Graham; Skip Alec Cogswell; 21 Cogswell, Graham; Leafy Lane Project; 32 Cogswell, Graham; Northey Arms Boules, 44 Cogswell, Mark; Evacuee School Child; 16 Coles, Patricia; Box Highlands School; 15 Coles, Patricia; Light Through Box Tunnel; 19 Coles, Robert; Box Station Commemorated; 26 Coles, Robert; Bill Peter, 30 Coles, Robert; Railway Tickets, 31 Coles, Robert; The Retreat, 32 Coles Robert: Box Tunnel 150th Anniversary, 32 Collier, Henry; Dirty Arch, 46 Collier, Henry; Choir Sings Crucifixion, 46 Cook, Penny; Vezey Family; 8 Cooper, Bill; Tennis Names, 1948; 15 Cooper, Bill; World War 2 Scrapbook; 16 Cooper, Bill; Military Camps; 20 Cooper, Bill; Wartime People; 21 Cooper, Bill; Gay 90s Dances; 24 Cooper, Bill; Ben Cross; 24 Cooper, Bill; Coach Trips in 1950s; 26 Cooper, Bill; Ken Palmer, 29 Cooper, Bill; Have a Go 1949, 31 Cooper, Bill; Nicknames, 38 Cooper, Bill; Coronation Year 1953, 43 Cordle, Penny; Henley Farm; 17 Cox, Jane; Bartholomew Bigod; 2 Cox, Jane; A Monk's Tale; 5 Cox, Jane; Box's Medieval Lords; 14 Cox, Barry; RAF Rudloe Manor; 22 Curd, Mike; Shops in 1920s; 16 Currant, John; Currant Family, 36 Currant, John; Sarah Olive Jones, 37 Currant, John; Arthur George Currant, 38 Currant, John; Mackie Currant, 38 Currant, John; 1950s Autographs, 39 Currant, John; Life at Comrades Club, 40 Dancey, Chris; Dennis Dancey; 17 Dancey, Chris; George Dancey; 19 Dancey, Les; Class of 1954; 5 Dancey, Les; People from 1950s; 6 Dancey, Les; Box Childhood; 6 Dancey, Les; 1 Choir; 2 Selwyn-Smiths; 5 Dancey, Les; Children in War; 21 Dancey, Les; Box Church Choir; 22 Dancey, Les; Dr Jim Remembered, 30 Dancey, Les; Have another Go, 32 Dancey, Les; Church Candles, 38 Dancey, Les; Wheelchair Vicar, 44 Daniels, John; Dora Shaw Mellor and RUH, 44 Dannatt, Lesley; Joan Applin, 36 Davey, Barbara; Unity Cogswell; 10 Davey, Barbara; Railway Policeman; 16 Davey, Griselda, Anne & Clare; Drs Davey, 29 Davies, Paul; Davies Family, 36 Davis, Charlie; Rev Tom Selwyn-Smith; 21 Davis, Joan; Slades Farm in WW2; 22 Daymond, Enid; Childhood in Central Box; 4 Debenham, Liz; Hopper Family, 29 Denee, Celia; Old Jockey Farmstead; 14 Devon, Elizabeth; Earthcaches; 20 Devon, Martin; Heleigh House; 9 Devon, Martin; ByBrook House; 12 Dimitriadi, Prof Yota; Horatio Orton, 40 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Queen's Head; 5 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Candle Factory; 7 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Tudor & Stuart Local Government; 13 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Thomas Railway Walk; 13 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Napoleon v Box; 26 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Agricultural Census, 1803; 26 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Hatt House, 30 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Historic Walking Tours, 30 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Doris Chappell, 31 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Box's Darker Side, 34 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Coleridge House, 34 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Murray & Baldwin, 35 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Slades Farm, 36 Dimond-Mills, Claire; Osborne and Pillinger, 46 Dingle, Adrian; Quarr Close; 11 Dingle, Adrian; Hill Cote & Ivy Cottage; 12 Douglas, Andrew Gore; Scandalous Georgian Women; 18 Douglas, Andrew Gore; Greater Gore family; 19 Downs, Brian: Big Pool, 41 Draper, Bob; Shoe Sculpture; 24 Driessche, Ilse van den; Jane Wiltshire Dunn, Peter: Box Crane Progress, 35 Elwell, George; Vale View, Bulls Lane; 33 Evans, Julie; Phelps Blacksmiths; 18 Eyles, Graham; Home Guard Names; 20 Eyles, Ruby; Shops in 1950s; 2 Eyles, Ruby; Eyles Cordwainers; 21 Eyles, Stephen; Kingsmoor House Fire; 23 Eyles, Stephen; Mystery Cuvert; 33 Felton Falkner; Wormecliffe House; 1 Finch, Linda; Rising Sun; 8 Finch, Mary; Shepherd's Close; 12 Flashman, John; John Brooke at Kingsdown, 33 Flashman, John; Residents at 2 Mead Villas, 34 Flashman, John:;Gertie Butt, 35 Flashman, John; National Service, 35 Flashman, John; Alice & Ted Vezey, 36 Ford, Kevin; Teenage Rebels; 2 Ford, Kevin; Life at Longsplatt; 2 Ford, Peter; More Old Jockey; 2 Ford, Peter; Grove Inn; 13 Ford, Sue; Alec Cogswell; 21 Ford, Sue; Skip Alec Cogswell; 21 Forshaw, Geoff; Houkes Family, 39 Franklin, John; Franklin Family; 4 Freeland, T & K; Barberry Cottage, 36 Freeman, Janet; Lucas Family; 25 Freeman, Charles; Box Churchyard; 25 Freeman, Charles: Stewart Family, 35 French, Carole; Home & Far Away; 2 French, Carole; Finding Private Hall; 2 French, Carole; Where They Lived; 2 French, Vic; Edwardian Ladies; 16 Fretwell, Karen; Moody Family updates; 18 Froud, John; Box Station Remains; 18 Froud, John; Sir Tom Jones; 33 Gale, Chris; William Smith Pictor; 24 Gale, Chris; Pictor Women, 44 Gale, Janet; Marsh Family; 14 Gale, Janet; Margaret Little; 26 Gape, Mike; Joseph Gape PC, 34 Giddings, Darren; Memories of 1970s, 46 Glover, Dan; Stink Pipe; 31 Goulstone, Ainslie; Shockerwick House; 12 Goulstone, Shirley & Ainslie; Goulstone Family; 11 Goulstone, Shirley & Ainslie; Hill House Farm; 12 Gover, Dave; Woodchucks; 21 Gray, Dr Andrew; Webb Hatchment; 18 Gray, Marcus; Gonks of Box, 34 Grayson, Anna; The Ley; 6 Grayson, Anna; Sports Clubs; 9 Grayson, Anna; Lamberts' Stoneyard; 16 Greenland, Ken; Greenland Family; 22 Grigsby, Richard; The Wilderness; 26 Grindle, Annette; Little Family; 25 Hack, Tony; Kingsdown House Graffiti; 22 Hammerton, Jane; Pinker and Diffell; 20 Hancock, Bob; Drewetts Mill; 8 Hancock. Bob; Chaffey Family; 17 Hancock. Bob; Carpenters Stoneyard; 21 Hancock, Bob; Autobiography; 27 Hancock, Lauri; Box Women's Institute; 6 Hardwick, Neil; Box Tunnel Beam Engine, 34 Harrington, Peter; Memories of WW2; 19 Harrison, Andrew; Finds on Roman Road; 18 Harris, John; Bargates & Barn Piece; 18 Harris, John & Val; Teenage Romance; 19 Harris, Katherine; The Gale Family; 1 Harris, Katherine; Up the Hill & Down the Hill; 1 Harris, Katherine; Box School, 1920s; 1 Hart, Frederick, Gingells at Bath View, 36 Hatton, Brian; Box Parish Magazine; 6 Hatvany, Peter; Ardgay House; 18 Hayman, Eric; Box Tunnel 150th Anniversary, 32 Head, Derek Gifford; Head & Chandler Families; 26 Heath, Mark: Anketell Family, 35 Higgins, Virginia; Drewetts & Bassetts, 30 Higgins, Virginia; Little Family, 43 Hill, Vaughan; Golden Jubilee 1887; 15 Hill, Vaughan; Box Cemetery; 17 Hill, Vaughan; Sheppard Stoneyard, 39 Hill, Ian; Mary Holtom; 34 Hill, Ian; Finding Mary, 39 Historic Houses Listing; Buildings in Box; 1 Hobbs, Jenny; Inside Box Mad House; 9 Hockey, Syd; Brewer Family; 24 Hodgson, Wendy; Guides in Box; 13 Horne, Genevieve; Brunt & Garland Families; 22 Horne, Genevieve; Mildred & Stanley Brunt; 23 Horne, Genevieve; Edwina Brunt; 24 Horne, Genevieve; Box Panto Origins; 25 Horne, Genevieve; Genevieve Brunt; 26 Hussey, Christopher; Speke Family; 23 Hussey, Jane; Betty Shop; 13 Hussey, Jane; Ashley Post Mistress; 16 Hussey, Jane; Shell Family; 17 Hussey, Jane; Swan Inn; 21 Hussey, Jane; Swan Inn in 1920s & 30s; 22 Hussey, Jane; Save Our Swan; 23 Hussey, Jane; Epitaphs in Church; 27 Hussey, Jane; Kingsdown Cottages, 29 Hussey, Jane; Kingsdown Cottage Residents, 30 Hussey, Jane; James Shell, 31 Hussey, Jane; Box Stonemasons Lodge, 32 Hussey, Jane; Georgian Masons; 33 Hussey, Jane; Masons' Union, 34 Hussey, Jane: Kingsdown Social Life, 41 Hussey, Jane; Horlock Deaths, 45 Hussey, Jane; Kingsdown Murder, 46 Hyde, Richard: Hyde Family, 41 Ibberson, David; Box House; 6 Ibberson, David; Jubilee Centre; 2 Ibberson, David; Rev George Foster; 1 Ibberson, David; Northey Arms; 1 Ibberson, David; Rudloe Manor; 2 Ibberson, David; Box's Fire Brigade; 3 Ibberson, David; Swinging Sixties or Not?; 3 Ibberson, David; Horlock Dynasty; 4 Ibberson, David; Rev George Miller; 4 Ibberson, David; Eliza Dore; 4 Ibberson, David; Local Pubs; 5 Ibberson, David; Box Brewery; 7 Ibberson, David; Chequers & James Vezey; 8 Ibberson, David; Kingsdown House; 9 Ibberson, David; Dipsomania in Box; 9 Ibberson, David; Death at St Thomas Church; 11 Ibberson, David; Walter Bushnell; 12 Ibberson, David; Civil War People; 14 Ibberson, David; Doctors in Box; 15 Ibberson, David; More Dr Martin; 22 Ibberson, David; Box Mill; 17 Ibberson, David; Richamn Family, 43 Isaac, Dorothy; Autobiography; 12 Jackson, Alice; Land Girl in Box, 30 Jaworski, Mark; Ted Hulbert; 6 Jeffery, Verity; Ponting Family; 5 Jeffery, Verity; Goulstone Family; 11 Jeffery, Verity; Hill House Farm; 12 Jeffery, Verity; EJ Smith and Family; 13 Jeffery, Verity; Box & Wolf Hall; 14 Jeffery, Verity; Weavern Farm; 19 Jeffery, Verity; Daniell Clan; 5 Jeffery, Verity; Box Mill; 17 Jeffery, Verity; Henley Farm; 17 Jeffery, Verity; Taylor Family, 29 Jenkinson, Ben; Cranes at Work; 15 Jenkinson, Mark; Underground Fete Poster; 11 Jenkinson, Mark; More Franklin Family; 11 Jenkinson, Mark; Quarrymen & Boxing; 15 Jenkinson, Mark; Fiveways Milestone; 15 Jenkinson, Mark; Underground Quarries; 16 Jenkinson, Mark; Secret Postcard Message; 16 Jenkinson, Mark; James Moodey; 17 Jenkinson, Mark; More Quarrymen and Families; 18 Jenkinson, Mark; Goodhind Family; 18 Jenkinson, Mark; Captain the Donkey; 19 Jenkinson, Mark; Barn Piece; 22 Johnson, Nigel; Sumners of Vale View, 34 Jones, Lewis; JDB Erskine, 39 Joyce, Martin; Fishy Corner; 33 Keegan, Rachel; Monica Southard; 24 Kirby, John; Mr DG Bingham; 6 Kirby, John; Box Brewery After 1924; 16 Knight, Cath: The Wharf Remains, 41 Krikorian, Ara; Kingsdown Stone Circle; 2 Krikorian, Ara; Menhir Secrets; 3 Krikorian, Ara; Neolithic Walk; 4 Lambert, Cecil; Comrades Club; 9 Lane, Kevin; Thomas Gale, 29 Laurie-Beaumont, Brian; Horlock Updates; 16 Ledbury, Rose; Footpath 38, 45 Lee, Winston; Railway Station Remains; 9 Lewis, Leigh; Cemetery from Air, 45 Lindzey, Colin; Albert Tye; 18 Lindzey, Colin; Prosser Chaffey; 19 Lindzey, Colin; George Dancey; 19 Lindzey, Colin; Edwardian Love Story; 20 Lindzey, Colin; Edwardian Postcards; 21 Lines, John; George Edward Lines; 15 Lockey, Rowena; Mary Holtom, 34 Lockey, Rowena; Finding Mary, 39 Long Brenda; Smith Family; 25 Long Brenda; Marrying your Neighbour; 19 Lonsdale, Carol; Bingham Hall; 6 Lonsdale, Carol; Guides in Box; 13 Lovell, Cliff; Lovell Family; 27 Lucas, Brian; Lucas family in Market Place; 25 Lucas, Sylvia; Lucas Family; 7 Maclean, Jil; Navvies; 27 Maggs, Colin G; Sherman Tank; 27 Marsili, Helen; Alma Cottage; 18 Martin, Geoffrey; Smith Family; 25 Martin, Philip; Martin Family; 8 Martin, Philip; Box Horse Show; 9 Martin, Philip; Scouting in Box; 12 Matheson, Rosa; Box Tunnel Timetable; 15 Matheson, Rosa; Terror in the Tunnels; 18 Matthews, Graham; George Reeves; 9 McNamara, Rosie; Boxfield Bungalows, 30 Meays, Heather; RJ Dyer; 17 Moules, Oliver; Darts at Rising Sun; 17 Moules, Oliver; Edwin Bow; 19 Moss, Chris & Denise; Air crash at Hazelbury, 1943; 19 Moss, Chris & Denise; Dennis Moss Tribute; 20 Mullins, Patrick; Mullins Family; 25 Mullins, Peter; Rev George Mullins; 13 Murphy, Helen; Box School Project, 2014; 4 Murphy, Helen; Children in WW1; 4 Murphy, Helen; WW1 Children's Projects; 3 Murray, Len; Bullocks of Melksham, 30 Mustow, Bob; Bells of Box; 11 Needham, David; Box Tunnel Revisited; 22 Newboult, Penny: Ossie Butt, 41 Newman, Martin; Charles William Bond Oatley; 16 Nicholas, Jacky; Box Doctors Recalled, 34 Nicholls, Laura; Fanny Sheppard; 23 Nicol, Cheryl; Long Family at Ashley, 45 Nobbs, Joan; Town Girl to Cowgirl; 4 Oatley, Ken; Charles WB Oatley; 6 Oatley, Ken; Pleasant View; 16 Oatley, Ken; Robert John Oatley; 19 Oatley, Maureen; Wartime Childhood in Prefabs; 10 Oliver, Angela; Codger Smith, 43 Oliver, Andrew; Odee After Maisie, 30 Oliver, Roger: Stanley House & Stoney Steps, 31 Oliver, Roger; Rifle Club, 38 Oliver, Roger; Ashley Range, 42 Orbach, Julian; Cemetery from Air, 45 Orton, Jason; Burlington Bunker; 2 Overton, Christopher; Final Resting Place; 25 |
P, Stephen; Bullock Clocks; 23
Painter, Victor; Dr JP Martin; 1 Palmer, Brian; Boxfields Outing; 23 Pardoe, Paula; Gingell Family, 31 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Tithe Apportionment; 26 Parkhouse, Jonathan: Sewage Ventilation Pipe; 27 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Unpaid Bill; 27 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Rudloe Part 1, 30 Parkhouse, Jonathan, Rudloe Part 2, 31 Parkhouse, Jonathan, Britain in Late Antiquity, 31 Parkhouse, Jonathan, Box after AD 350, 31 Parkhouse, Jonathan, Why We Speak English, 31 Parkhouse, Jonathan, Saxon Art and Craft, 31 Parkhouse, Jonathan, Box in Wiltshire, 32 Parkhouse, Jonathan, Anglo-Saxon Evidence, 32 Parkhouse, Jonathan, Saxon Christianisation, 32 Parkhouse, Jonathan, Anglo-Saxon Society, 32 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Wessex Under Attack; 33 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Saxon Routes; 33 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Boundaries of Box; 33 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Medieval Locations; 33 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Viking Influence, 34 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Common Field Farming, 34 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Box Before Normans, 34 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Early Medieval Conclusions, 34 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Heritage Assets, 38 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Neighbourhood Plan, 2023, 39 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Ditteridge Parish, 39 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Allen Maps, 39 Parkhouse, Jonathan; Pig Charming, 43 Pask, Keith & Carla; County Stores; 3 Payne, Alan; Ashley History; 2 Payne, Alan; Before World War 1; 1 Payne, Alan; Cecil Lambert's War diary; 2 Payne, Alan; Mills Platt; 4 Payne, Alan; Northey Family Overview; 2 Payne, Alan; When It Rained and Rained; 2 Payne, Alan; Xmas 1913 and 1914; 3 Payne, Alan; George Phelps; 3 Payne, Alan; After the War; 4 Payne, Alan; Remembering Home; 4 Payne, Alan; Leah Priscilla Oatley; 4 Payne, Alan; Village Celebrations; 6 Payne, Alan; Magna Carta; 7 Payne, Alan; Box Industries; 7 Payne, Alan; Class Divisions; 7 Payne, Alan; Farming Depression; 8 Payne, Alan; Start of Era, 1870; 9 Payne, Alan; Shewring Family; 10 Payne, Alan; Social Clubs; 10 Payne, Alan; Prospect; 10 Payne, Alan; Methodist Church; 10 Payne, Alan; Box Fete & Friendly Societies; 10 Payne, Alan; Rudloe Boundary Review; 9 & 10 Payne, Alan; Children's Clubs; 11 Payne, Alan; Ten Tudor Mansions; 11 Payne, Alan; John Aubrey's Box; 11 Payne, Alan; Where You Live in 1626; 12 Payne, Alan; Hugh Speke; 12 Payne, Alan; Reformation; 12 Payne, Alan; Church & Royal Clubs; 12 Payne, Alan; History Trails; 12 Payne, Alan; Modern Box Revels; 13 Payne, Alan; Original Box Revels; 13 Payne, Alan; Wadswick; 13 Payne, Alan; Ordinary Tudor People; 13 Payne, Alan; Importance of Religion in Tudor Box; 13 Payne, Alan; Madhouse Walk; 13 Payne, Alan; Medieval Market Place onwards; 13 Payne, Alan; Box in Civil War; 14 Payne, Alan; Building Box Tunnel; 15 Payne, Alan; Box in 1830; 15 Payne, Alan; Gable Cottage; 15 Payne, Alan; Rokeby Villa; 15 Payne, Alan; Why a Railway Station at Box?; 16 Payne, Alan; Railway Buildings; 16 Payne, Alan; Box NATS History Trails 2017; 16 Payne, Alan; Box Railway Staff; 17 Payne, Alan; Importance of Railway; 17 Payne, Alan; Light Through Tunnel; 18 Payne, Alan; Formation of Box Schools; 18 Payne, Alan; Box School in Wartime; 19 Payne, Alan; Lead up to War; 19 Payne, Alan; Military Village; 19 Payne, Alan; Timeline 1939 -1945; 19 Payne, Alan; Evacuee Children; 20 Payne, Alan; In Military Service; 20 Payne, Alan; Dunkirk Evacuation; 20 Payne, Alan; Life at Home; 20 Payne, Alan; Box NATS Trails 2018; 20 Payne, Alan; Devizes Road; 20 Payne, Alan; Box Library Project; 20 Payne, Alan; Chaffey Double Funeral; 20 Payne, Alan; Invasion Threat; 21 Payne, Alan; Air Raids; 21 Payne, Alan; Royal Visits; 21 Payne, Alan; Little Orchard; 21 Payne, Alan; War Memorial; 22 Payne, Alan; Bear Hotel; 22 Payne, Alan; Odee Harris; 22 Payne, Alan; HR James; 22 Payne, Alan; Charabanc Outings; 22 Payne, Alan; Just A Lad; 23 Payne, Alan; Pictor & Sons; 23 Payne, Alan; Box Mill Dangers; 23 Payne, Alan; Corsham Revealed; 23 Payne, Alan; How Rude Was Georgian Box?; 23 Payne, Alan; Georgian People; 23 Payne, Alan; John Poulter, Highwayman; 24 Payne, Alan; 1752 a Very Odd Year; 24 Payne, Alan; New Road 1761; 24 Payne, Alan; Witches, Quakers and Chapels; 24 Payne, Alan; Middlehill Spa; 24 Payne, Alan; Albion Terrace; 24 Payne, Alan; History Trails 2019; 24 Payne, Alan; McColls Store; 24 Payne, Alan; Slave Plantation Owners; 25 Payne, Alan; Sheridan's Duel; 25 Payne, Alan; Mrs Lee's Gift; 25 Payne, Alan; Residents after WW2; 25 Payne, Alan; Springfield; 26 Payne, Alan; Operation XX and me; 26 Payne, Alan; Revolutionary Times; 26 Payne, Alan; Coach Travel in 1830s; 26 Payne, Alan; Bath & Portland Decline; 27 Payne, Alan; Myrtle Grove; 27 Payne, Alan; Mothers' Union; 27 Payne, Alan; Rising Sun Memorial; 27 Payne, Alan; Early Northey Family; 27 Payne, Alan; World of Northeys; 27 Payne, Alan; Northey Family Tree; 27 Payne, Alan; VE Day 1945, 28 Payne, Alan; Box Ladies Club, 28 Payne, Alan; Green Shed, 28 Payne, Alan; Fascism in Box, 29 Payne, Alan; Ashley Farm, 30 Payne, Alan; Bowdler Family, 31 Payne, Alan; Chapel Lane, 32 Payne, Alan; Vicarage Residents, 32 Payne, Alan; Nurse Holley, 32 Payne, Alan; Cheney Court, 32 Payne, Alan; Wills Family; 33 Payne, Alan; Springfield Villa; 33 Payne, Alan; Box Parish Council; 33 Payne, Alan: Box Toll House, 34 Payne, Alan: Methodist Frivolity, 34 Payne, Alan: Victory Cottage, 34 Payne, Alan: Noble Family, 34 Payne, Alan: Rev Tawdry at Talyllyn, 34 Payne, Alan: Guides Origins, 35 Payne, Alan: Noble Family, 35 Payne, Alan: Box Tollhouse, 35 Payne, Alan: Box Hill Institute, 35 Payne, Alan: Poynder Fountain, 36 Payne, Alan: Blind House, 36 Payne, Alan: Box Rovers Reported, 36 Payne, Alan: Strong & Pictor Monument, 36 Payne, Alan: Roaring Twenties, 36 Payne, Alan: Unemployment, 36 Payne, Alan: Discovering History, 36 Payne, Alan: Continuity & Change, 36 Payne, Alan; Box Rec, 36 Payne, Alan; Mill Lane Halt, 37 Payne, Alan; Scouts Founders, 37 Payne, Alan; Hermitage, 37 Payne, Alan; HRN Pictor, 37 Payne, Alan; United Methodists Box Hill, 37 Payne, Alan; Inter-war Entertainment, 37 Payne, Alan; Inter-war Church Alterations, 37 Payne, Alan; Inter-wa Role of Women, 37 Payne, Alan; Mill Lane, 38 Payne, Alan; King Charles, 38 Payne, Alan; Council Houses. 38 Payne, Alan; Disasters and Celebrations, 38 Payne, Alan; War Technology, 38 Payne, Alan; War Looming, 38 Payne, Alan; Pybus Family,38 Payne, Alan; Rudloe Park Residents, 38 Payne, Alan; Washwells, 38 Payne, Alan; Hillcrest, 38 Payne, Alan; Beech Road, 39 Payne, Alan; Chapel Plaister, 39 Payne, Alan; Church Organs, 39 Payne, Alan; Peace at Last, 39 Payne, Alan; Elizabethan Age, 39 Payne, Alan; Notable Residents, 39 Payne, Alan; Modern Timetable, 39 Payne, Alan; Village Policing, 40 Payne, Alan; Berry Cottages, 40 Payne, Alan; Drove Roads, 40 Payne, Alan; Rev Holled Horlock, 40 Payne, Alan; Earning Money, 40 Payne, Alan; Selwyn Hall, 40 Payne, Alan; Notable Visitors, 40 Payne, Alan: Theatrical Productions, 41 Payne, Alan: Box Bottom, 41 Payne, Alan: Magna, 41 Payne, Alan: Two David Milsoms, 41 Payne, Alan: Modern Social Buildings, 41 Payne, Alan: Modern Incomers, 41 Payne, Alan: Box Library, 41 Payne, Alan: Best Kept Village, 42 Payne, Alan: Box Ce,etery Projext, 42 Payne, Alan: Clothier Family, 42 Payne, Alan: Sokell Family, 42 Payne, Alan: Highfield House, 42 Payne, Alan: Sheep Dips, 42 Payne, Alan: Cars and Trains, 42 Payne, Alan: Modern Schools, 42 Payne, Alan: Modern Clubs, 42 Payne, Alan: Millennium, 42 Payne, Alan; Upway, 43 Payne, Alan; Bradfield Family, 43 Payne, Alan; Library Talks, 43 Payne, Alan; Domesday Box, 43 Payne, Alan; Bohuns & Bigods, 43 Payne, Alan; Feudal Society, 43 Payne, Alan; Medieval Timetable, 43 Payne, Alan; Elliott Family, 44 Payne, Alan; Tyning Cottages, 44 Payne, Alan; Farleigh Priory, 44 Payne, Alan; Boom to Bust, 44 Payne, Alan; Black Death, 44 Payne, Alan; Ditteridge Gothic Revival, 45 Payne, Alan; Box Bells History, 45 Payne, Alan; OD Harris Pub Memories, 45 Payne, Alan; Moleyns Lordship, 45 Payne, Alan; Rise of Peasants, 45 Payne, Alan; Medieval Church, 45 Payne, Alan; Box Manor, 45 Payne, Alan; Medieval Enclosures, 46 Payne, Alan; 1400s and 1500s, 46 Payne, Alan; Box Vills, 46 Payne, Alan; End of Medieval Box, 46 Payne, Alan; Mapping Box, 46 Payne, Alan; Ghosts of Dirty Arch, 46 Payne, Carol; Commemoration Photos 2014; 23 Payne, Carol; WI Centenary; 23 Payne, Carol; Sunnyside Memories; 15 Payne, Carol; Cogswell Get-Together; 15 Payne, Carol; VE Day Remembered, 29 Payne, Carol; A Devil's Device; 33 Peacocl, Nicholas; Redwoods and Locusts, 44 Phillips, Audrey: Glyn Phillips Remembered, 41 Pickett, Ray; Miss Harper's Car; 27 Pinker, Richard; Scouting in Box; 12 Pinker, Richard; Box Hill Memories; 16 Pinker, Richard; Recalling Box Quarries; 18 Pinker, Richard; Boxfields Model Aircraft Club, 34 Pinker, Richard: Tunnel Inn, 35 Pinker, Richard; Box Aerial View, 37 Pinker, Richard; Lost with Bargates, 44 Pinker, Richard; Highland Teachers, 45 Pollard, David; Box Quarrying after 1800; 1 Pollard, David; Clift Quarry Loco; 15 Pollard, David; Origins of Boxfield Cottages; 15 Pollard, David; Viveash Contract; 17 Pollard, David; Digging Bath Stone; 33 Ponting, Ralph Herbert; Skeate, Speck and Ponting; 6 Pope, Mike; Lark Rise at Hatt; 8 Pope, Mike; Pope Family; 8 Pote, Carolyn; Lucas Family; 7 Pote, Carolyn; Boxfields Story; 13 Pote, Carolyn; Talking Wall; 14 Pritchard, Christine; George Pritchard, 29 Rawlings, David; Webb Family; 11 Rawlings, David; Rawlings & Hobbs Families; 12 Rawlings, David; Coles Farm; 13 Reaich, Neil; Oily Series; 19 Richardson, Brian; Modern Alma; 19 Richardson, Brian; Ebury Cottage; 21 Richardson, Geoff; Pictor Women; 33 Ridout, Jerry; Graham Brayshaw; 26 Riney, Myra; Doctors in Box; 15 Robinson, Angela; Fishy Corner; 33 Romain, Julia; Lovell Family; 27 Rowe, Stuart; Rowe Family; 24 Rowell, Sue; Middlehill House; 12 Rumsey, Michael; Railwaymen Remembered; 18 Rumsey, Michael; Rev Vere Awdry photos; 23 Rumsey, Michael; Rudloe WW2 Remains; 31 Sawyer, Hugh; Box Swimming Club; 4 Sawyer, Hugh; Valens Terrace; 5 Sawyer, Hugh; Hubert Hardy Sawyer; 23 Sawyer, Hugh; Wilderness Gardener; 27 Scarth, Rod; Stan Scarth; 27 Schild, Guido; German Bullock Clock, 38 Scoble, Brian; 8 Mill Lane; 19 Sephton, Geraldine; Bill Peters; 21 Sheppard, Jane; Sheppards at The Glenn; 20 Sherriff, Abi: Ashley Barn Site, 41 Simmons, Steven: Hazelbury Hoard, 42 Simmons, Steven; Roman Brooches, 43 Simmons, Steven; Viking Hazelbury, 44 Simpson, Emma; Amelia Oldroyd Lee; 24 Smiddy, Christine; Retreat Carriage; 33 Smith, Elaine; Andrews Family, 37 Smith, June; Box in 1950s; 19 Smith, June; Jim Shannon; 20 Smith, Mark; Finds on Roman Road; 18 Spencely, Hugh; Ashley House; 14 Spencely, Hugh; Spencely Family; 15 Standing, Richard: Horatio Orton Childhood, 41 Stower, Martin; Brewer Family; 25 Stower, Martin; Humphries Brewer; 26 Street, Sarah; Kingsmoor House; 24 Suddell, C John; Sudell Deaths; 4 Symes, Madeleine; Martha Shaw; 10 Symes, Madeleine; Middlehill House hunting; 11 Symes, Madeleine; Ditteridge Church pictures; 13 Symes, Madeleine; Thomas Edward Milles Marsh; 16 Tapscott, Jan; Southard Family; 3 Tapscott, Jan; Box Church on the Wireless; 21 Tapscott, Jan; More Dr Martin; 22 Taylor, Gary; Kingsmoor Children's Home; 22 Taylor, Kevin; Bullock's Finest; 15 Taylor, Richard & JoAnn Rice, Worldwide Bullocks, 31 Thompson, Graham; Graham Brayshaw; 26 Tottenham, John; Ashley House 40s and 50s, 37 Townsend, Jane; Henry Townsend; 10 Townsend, Jane; Art Deco; 22 Treasure, Peter; Elizabeth Neate; 23 Treasure, Peter; Codger Smith, 43 Turner, Paul; Weavern Stiletto Sculpture; 25 Turner, Robin; Wilton Family; 11 Tye, Varian; Old Clay Pipe; 21 Tye, Varian; Modern Art; 23 Tye, Varian; Central Box Developed; 25 Tye, Varian; Phone & Letter boxes; 25 Tye, Varian; Box Heritage Trail; 26 Tye, Varian; Central Box Residents; 26 Tye, Varian; Brunel's Underbridges, 29 Tye, Varian; Trial Shaft, 29 Tye, Varian; Crane 57, 30 Tye, Varian; Middlehill Tunnel, 31 Tye, Varian; Mystery Culvert; 33 Tye, Varian; James Hicks, 37 Tye, Varian; Quarry Footpath, 44 Tye, Varian; Eddie Butler at The Courts, 45 Tye, Varian; Box Hill Heritage Area, 46 Tyler, Heather; Hidden History; 16 Tyte, Julia; Guides in Box; 13 Various; Ashley Lane; 8 Various; Ashley Part 2; 9 Various; Never Forgotten; 3 Various; Drilley Bottom; 2 Various; In Memoriam; 2 Various; More Doc Martin; 2 Various; More Maisie Gay; 2 Various; Kingsdown Common First Battle; 3 Various; Cub Scouts; 10 Various; More Bullock Clocks; 11 Various; More Boxfields Football; 11 Various; Tributes to Service people; 19 Various; Your Tributes; 20 Various; Box Rovers Part 2; 23 Various; Airmen in Crash; 25 Various; Street Furniture; 26 Various; Wacky Anecdotes, 39 Various; Railway Glory, 39 Various; Unusual Houses, 40 Vivash, Carl; Vivash Family; 16 Vivash, Carl; More Quarrymen; 18 Vivash, Carl; William Hemmings; 19 Wakefield, Margaret; Gay Nineties Dance Club; 9 Wakefield, Margaret; Lamberts' Stoneyard; 16 Wakefield, Margaret; Evacuee from Belgium; 17 Wakefield, Margaret; Built in Stoneyards; 18 Wakefield, Margaret; Bargate Memories; 19 Wakefield, Margaret; Frederick John Moody; 19 Wakefield, Margaret; HRN Pictor; 25 Wakefield, Margaret; Tottle Family, 31 Wakefield, Margaret; Phil Lambert, 32 Wakefield, Margaret: More Operative Masons, 35 Wakefield, Margaret; Before Bargates, 43 Walker, Ronnie; Post Office at Box; 3 Walker, Ronnie; Boxfields; 7 Wallace, Robert; One Single Ticket; 24 Walters, Angela: Dr Jack Walters, 41 Ward, Pam & Chris; William Jeffery Brown; 14 Warren, Michael; Warren Family; 17 Warren, Michael, Box Cricket Club Part 1, 29 Warren, Michael; Box Cricket Club Part 2, 30 Warren, Michael; Hazelbury Hill, 44 Webster, John; Webster Family; 26 Weeks, Edwin; Weeks Family; 14 Weeks, Edwin; Box Postal Marks; 16 Weeks, Edwin; History of Post Office Marks; 20 Weeks, Edwin; Captain Woodgate; 20 Weeks, Edwin; Trainspotting in Box; 21 Weeks, Edwin; Ashley in Wartime, 43 Whalley, Pat; Bullock Clockmakers; 6 Whalley, Pat; Mary Deane Diaries; 11 Wheeler, Steve; Box Hill Common; 14 Wheeler, Steve; Nature Trail at Box Hill Common; 15 Williams, Dennis; Glenn Miller at Rudloe; 25 Wilson, Val; Steam Mill Cottages; 7 Wischusen, Keith: Pictor Photos, 40 Wischusen, Keith: Early Pictor Image, 41 Worrell, Jacqueline; Otter Hunting; 24 Wright, Alan; Fogleigh House, 34 Wright, Alan: Fogleigh Residents, 35 Wright, David; Ancient Nail; 21 Wright, David; More Aircraft; 21 Wright, David; RAF Rudloe Manor; 22 |