Box Bells Stopped for World War 2 Spring 2018 Issue 19
Outbreak of War A few months after war was declared at 11am on 3 September 1939 the bells at Box Church were silenced. The expectation was the next ringing would warn of German invasion. Dr Sally Hicks was at the 11 o'clock service and records her memory of that eventful day when Box Went to War. We tell the history of the village and its residents in the years 1939 to 1945. A reader from Australia has recorded his Memories of Wartime Box and we welcome your contributions to the story of Box in those years. |
Military Village
When many wore uniform |
People Index Founder of Methodist Chapel Edwin Bow's story (right) Teenage Romance Harris and Smith families Prosser Chaffey Who were the family? George Dancey in WW1 The family traces him Greater Gore Family Well-known Box residents Hemmings Family At the Comrades Club |
Places Index Wartime Box Schools Box Schools from WW1 to WW2 with memories of staff and pupils Weavern Farm and Mill Farm and mill on the border of the village used for weaving to paper-making 8 Mill Lane Story of the house and the Scoble family who lived there Marrying Your Neighbour Smith family at The Old Jockey Box in 1950s Do you remember these years? |
You Wrote to Us
We are a not-for-profit Community website for people who are interested in the history of Box village, in the county of Wiltshire, and its surrounding hamlets. You can record the story of you and your ancestors, correct and add to our articles via the Contact tab or by our email [email protected].
We are a not-for-profit Community website for people who are interested in the history of Box village, in the county of Wiltshire, and its surrounding hamlets. You can record the story of you and your ancestors, correct and add to our articles via the Contact tab or by our email [email protected].
Light on Brunel Tunnel Saga
Updates from 1960s Bargates Memories Early story of the area Frederick Moody Found In Married v Singles match Q. Who was Daisy Noble? A. The Real Maisie Gay Oily Series Underground discoveries |
Captain, the Donkey
Story of the famous underground quarry donkey (pictured) Modern Alma Update about Box Hill cottage Building Box Bargates and Vine Court Air Crash at Hazelbury Help needed to remember Dennis Moss |
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You can find all the stories from previous series by clicking on the links below. Please add to or correct details by contacting us.
You can find all the stories from previous series by clicking on the links below. Please add to or correct details by contacting us.
Finding Articles Click on any blue text to find articles: People Index Places Index Series Index Previous Issues All previous issues are still available to access using the tab. Index by Author List of every author who has contributed articles and photos to the website |
Tudor and Stuart Box,
1485 - 1660 Box in the Reformation and the English Civil War History Trails Walk the trails yourself and see Box's history for real. |
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You can use the button below to search for all website references and details of Box people or places. |