However, I can clear up one mystery. The old stair case that Dave Ibberson and Becky are wondering about was where the wooden staircase used to be, leading up to the kitchen. When the new staircase was built, the wooden one became redundant, so it was removed and the resulting store cupboards were created. The building was literally rat-infested prior to the Queen's Jubilee.
The playgroup had moved down there from the old Methodist Hall and quickly set about looking at how the place could be improved. There were mesh cages over the windows, as the (then) Boys Club lads used the downstairs for football, netball etc. Tthere were hoops nailed up at each end of the room at one time. It took a lot of work and a lot of money (most of which came from the village's Jubilee events, including a carnival).
Lots of good memories of my time and long association with the centre.
Sheelagh Jones