Timeline, 1870-1914
Patty Baldwin November 2014 This timeline of Box was compiled by Patty Baldwin from information available at the time. To put it into context, we have added details of national events. Perhaps you can bring personal knowledge to some of these events and make the timeline even more accurate? If you are able to add to or amend the Box details, Patty would like to hear from you, via the Contact tab. |
Box Events National Events
1870 Box Cricket Club founded at The Chequers Inn
1875 Box Church of England Schools built by Bladwells of Bath. 1875 Rudloe Park Hotel was built for HR Pictor by James Hicks 1877 Poynder Fountain was erected in the centre of the village 1879 Box Poorhouse sold for private residences 1880 Adult House was built as an Adult Evening School 1880 Kingsdown Golf Club formed at The Swan Inn 1881 Fogleigh House built for quarry owner CJ Pictor 1887 Amalgamation of firms into Bath Stone Firms Limited 1896 Parish Council formed 1897 The Parish Council authorised a two-faced clock to be built at Box School at a cost of £65 1897 Methodist Chapel opened on High Street 1897 St Thomas à Becket Church restored 1906 Methodist school room and hall built 1906 Bingham Hall built 1906 Box Rifle Club founded 1907 Roman Villa excavated by Sir Harold Brakspeare 1910 Box Scouts formed 1912 Sale of the Northey Estate |
1870 Charles Dickens died
1870 Compulsory primary schools 1872 Agricultural Labourers Trade Union formed 1872 First Football Cup Final 1876 Queen Victoria becomes Empress of India 1880 Compulsory education for under 10s 1881 First domestic electric light 1883 Married women allowed to own property 1883 Robert Louis Stevenson writes Treasure Island 1888 Jack the Ripper stalks London 1891 Thomas Hardy writes Tess of the d'Urbervilles 1894 Parish Councils formed 1897 Marconi invents radio 1899 Second Boer War starts 1900 Relief of Mafeking 1901 Labour Party formed 1901 Queen Victoria dies 1908 Olympic Games in London 1908 Old Age pension started 1911 National insurance Act passed against sickness and unemployment 1912 Titanic sunk 1914 World War 1 started |