Tennis Names from 1948
Bill Cooper
November 2016
Bill Cooper
November 2016
When we featured Sports Clubs in Box, we asked readers to help name the players from 1948. Thanks to Bill Cooper we have done just that. If you are related to any of these people we would love to hear more about memories of your famiy or of Box.
Back Row, left to right: Fergus Fortune, Stan Burrows, Jack Tottle (Pipe), Eddie Cooper, Win Cooper, Alec Birmingham,
Wilf Clothier, Mrs Clothier, Sheila Burrows, Mary Lambert, unknown
Front Row: Barbara Merret, Bill Cooper, Pat Birmingham, Mrs Fortune, unknown, Rose Birmingham, Jill Eyles, Margaret Lambert
Wilf Clothier, Mrs Clothier, Sheila Burrows, Mary Lambert, unknown
Front Row: Barbara Merret, Bill Cooper, Pat Birmingham, Mrs Fortune, unknown, Rose Birmingham, Jill Eyles, Margaret Lambert