Looking for Lorraine McIntyre
Lynn Newman
January 2019
I have been searching for a person from Box for nigh on 40 years with very limited information. I am hoping to find a little girl called Lorraine (sometimes called Lanie) McIntyre, who my mother tried to adopt in the early 1970s. I was about 9 at the time. Lorraine was living with her mum and dad and little brother, who I learned was put up for adoption too. I think at one point her dad was in army ranks at Donniford Army Camp, Watchet, Somerset. At the back of my mind, I have an inkling that her birthdate was 15 December 1967 or 1968. All this is speculation, as we are all getting older now.
Lorraine was in the Kingsmoor Children’s Home in the early 1970s but wasn't there for very long, just a few months. Somewhere along the line we think she may have gone to a smaller unit called The Elms. I'm sure your articles about the children's home was the same place. I was young but I remember it was a house on a hill in a place called Box. Lorraine came to us as a foster child for a while but was made ward of court. We fostered Lorraine with a view to adopting her but adoption never took place and she was sent down country somewhere. At one stage Lorraine was fostered in Bridgwater, Somerset, by Winn Pearce and David Pearce. We think about her all the time and would love to hear if anyone has news of her.
Lynn Newman
January 2019
I have been searching for a person from Box for nigh on 40 years with very limited information. I am hoping to find a little girl called Lorraine (sometimes called Lanie) McIntyre, who my mother tried to adopt in the early 1970s. I was about 9 at the time. Lorraine was living with her mum and dad and little brother, who I learned was put up for adoption too. I think at one point her dad was in army ranks at Donniford Army Camp, Watchet, Somerset. At the back of my mind, I have an inkling that her birthdate was 15 December 1967 or 1968. All this is speculation, as we are all getting older now.
Lorraine was in the Kingsmoor Children’s Home in the early 1970s but wasn't there for very long, just a few months. Somewhere along the line we think she may have gone to a smaller unit called The Elms. I'm sure your articles about the children's home was the same place. I was young but I remember it was a house on a hill in a place called Box. Lorraine came to us as a foster child for a while but was made ward of court. We fostered Lorraine with a view to adopting her but adoption never took place and she was sent down country somewhere. At one stage Lorraine was fostered in Bridgwater, Somerset, by Winn Pearce and David Pearce. We think about her all the time and would love to hear if anyone has news of her.