Tragic Double Funeral 1935 Alan Payne February 2018
In an earlier issue we wrote about the double tragedy that affecetd the Chaffey family of Box in March 1935.[1] Miss Elsie Chaffey, aged 42, was shopping for mourning clothes to attend her mother's funeral the following Wednesday, when she suffered a stroke and died in the Bath Co-operative Society shop, Westgate, Bath.
It was a terrible loss for 74 year-old husband and father, Arthur Chaffey of Charlotte Cottage, and the village turned out in force to pay their respects when mother and daughter were buried together on the following Thursday. Arthur was a well-known resident, one of the founder members of the Parish Council of 1894, captain of the Box Fire Brigade for many years and a director of the masonry contracting firm of Chaffey and Norkett.
It was a terrible loss for 74 year-old husband and father, Arthur Chaffey of Charlotte Cottage, and the village turned out in force to pay their respects when mother and daughter were buried together on the following Thursday. Arthur was a well-known resident, one of the founder members of the Parish Council of 1894, captain of the Box Fire Brigade for many years and a director of the masonry contracting firm of Chaffey and Norkett.
A reader kindly brought our attention to these two photographs printed in the Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette, 5 April 1935.
[1] Bath Weekly Chronicle and Herald, 30 March 1935
[1] Bath Weekly Chronicle and Herald, 30 March 1935